
It's Not Different, Mmmkay?

We've covered a few bases here on music. By a few I mean a vague mention of the music we listen to around here, and then the few (several) posts about those Boston boys I have a little like for (yeah, yeah, it's a sickness, k? thanks) But we've never really talked about the fact that while I may have a slight obsession with those guys, I have a complete obsession for music. Always have.

I love music. I firmly believe music really is the soundtrack of life. I think I've mentioned that before, but it bears repeating. I can go back through all my memories and there's usually music revolving around every moment in my life. Certain songs bring certain things back, no matter where I am when i hear it, no matter what's going on. And that suits me.

I'm not a music snob- I like everything. I'm a lyrics girl at heart, though, for the most part, which explains my dislike for screaming metal- if I can't understand you, I'm not getting it. I love country music, especially Reba. I love a good love song, but i also like the ass kicking, I'm done with your crap stuff too. I'm a rap junkie, too. And yeah, I do like Eminem (it's had a bunch of hits, thanks so much) because angry stuff aside, these guys have something to say. I like when someone writes their own stuff and puts it out there. doesn't matter if it sells a million or five hundred- it's not written to make money. It's written by someone who has something to say.

So, I'm a music person. I love it, I have it on almost 24-7. That said, I'll plunge into the murky water where I may get some hate mail. But, it'll be worth it. Just to get it off my chest. Ready? Here we go:

I hate Britney Spears. It isn't because of her lifestyle, choices, mistakes, whatever- people have ups and downs, and I'm not here to judge. Plus, there are plenty of days where I'd like to beat the hell out of someone or something with an inanimate object. It's not her personally that irks me (but the way people sniff at her for every detail is a little old). It's because of the "music"... and sweet Jesus, I use that term very, very, VERY loosely.

Let's take stock- very pretty girl, in shape, sweet personality, just wants to be allowed to be herself without all the weird shit. Talented- she can dance, and her own voice isn't too bad- when we're allowed to hear it. All that shit they use for effect these days is annoying beyond belief. I don't want to hear some amped up/distorted/echo shit on someone's voice. I want to hear them. Maybe I'm getting old, but that's just weird to me. and a pain in the ass. But, especially with Britney, it's all worked over, all canned, tinny sounding. Fake, in other words. Using that shit makes it sound fake.

Then there's the annoying, icepick sound of the music in general. Her first album was cute, poppy and fun. Yeah, I had it. So sue me, k? It was a year of pop and I went a little crazy. But, it seemed each album became less about Britney singing and more about Britney NOT singing, and being half naked. Yeah yeah sex sells. But, hello? Britney is young. And back then, she was REALLY young. But, nevertheless, there she was with little left to the imagination. Dancing, lipsynching and all that shit.

Then there was a break, when she had her issues and went a little nuts. But now... now she's back. With Womanizer. Which I hear at least nine hundred times a day on various radio stations and on my XM channels. And then, I hear it in my head. It's repetitive. It's not like hearing a real voice at all... every time I hear it, I feel like I'm listening to a damn robot sing.

It's not good music. I don't care how much it sells, how much people are clamoring for it. It's almost like a circus of really bad shit. But, to each their own. You may love it, she may be just your cup of tea.. and that's great. Me? I don't get why people sell out like that. She's the proverbial dumb acting girl with her boobs hanging out hoping the big strong man will take care of it all. And then "singing" about it. Bleecccch.

So, nope, I don't think she's "different", or "fun", or "edgy". I think she's going to be sorry when her looks start going and she has nothing to fall back on. Look at the women singers today- they're gorgeous, sure. Great bodies, absolutely. But they can also sing. Without all the bells and whistles. Now that? THAT's where Britney is different.

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