**If you're looking for the sound check vids, scroll down.**

First up, the Jake man in a RARE picture... he's decided he isn't fond of the camera. So, rather than fight him, I sneak and get an occasional pic.

My favorite of Taylor so far, i think. she's so delighted it kills me!

More melt your heart from the ruler of our house. Cheeto face and all! :)

Dizzle. I always wonder why our cats run away......

My girls, chilling in a pile of toys. LOL Note the cheeto, still, on Taylor's face. She is an addict. I am an enabler... LOL.

Miss Lyss and her cat, Patrick. We **think** it's a Patrick anyway....

Lyss in her hat... we're on a hat kick around these parts lately....

Yeah, he looks thrilled about it... I made him wear the hat. Love it.

More cowboy hat!!!

Introducing Oliver! He is brand new, a little terrier mix who will not grow large, will not howl like a jackass all hours of the night, and more than likely will not cause me to sever tendons in my foot, unlike the previous dog, who did just that. By running into a darkened room- a being renovated room, filled with junk... and with my JMM CD's... one of which entered my foot. There is so a joke there, but I will let that go......

What i got today... and yes, that IS my screensaver. Ahhhh, life is good.......
CUTE CUTE CUTE and more CUTE!!! You have some adorable young 'uns!
You have adorable kids!
I found your blog through Entrecard, but I see you're a SITS girl, too! You're on my blog roll now, too! :)
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