

That is the perfect word to describe me. Or at least it’s the nicest! I am one of those people who always seems to have Big Ideas. Which is all well and good, except I am NOT one of those people with Big Ideas who follow through. I try, really, but my mind is always racing in a hundred different directions, and there’s always something to do, say, or try. This annoys my husband to no end. You know, one of those traits that, in the beginning, is considered quirky and/or endearing. The ones that quickly become “my God, can’t you just stop doing that?!”

Right now my focus is even more out of focus, thanks to our newbie and the fact that there is not enough caffeine on the planet to compete with her sleep schedule. Or lack of schedule, I should say. She’ll set a pattern for a couple of days and I’ll start to relax. Go ahead, laugh. This is my third baby; I of all people should know better. She likes to keep me on my toes. She’ll be wide awake, grinning at me as if to say “I slept through Matt and Meredith for three days, didn’t I Mom? Let you have a cup of coffee and wake up a little? Yeah, well that’s never going to happen again.” And she so means it.

I’m into the presidential race this year, more than I have ever been. The last two… well, let’s just say eight years ago I hoped for the best. Four years ago I crossed everything from my eyes to my toes and spent days after damning our country for damning itself. This year is really interesting to me, though, and I’m definitely not alone. I think everyone feels that air of change, that excitement of the chase, the race. There’s a thrill to it because the candidates are all so diverse, in both parties. It’s refreshing to see the changes, even before the new Chief steps into office.

My only complaint is the standard smear campaigns. I understand you want to win, I get that you want to expose all the reasons your opponents shouldn’t, but it doesn’t seem to be just the candidates this time. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but i personally feel that some are being portrayed a bit unfairly, if not semi viciously, by some of the press. And that, to me, is where personal opinion has to be tempered. Not everyone likes the same people, policies and so forth… which is why we have an election. We vote, we elect. Or at least that’s how it USUALLY works. **coughs**

Anyway, I’m going to attempt to grab that always needed cup of joe and catch a little of Matt and Meredith this morning. As the world keeps on changin’ and my little insomniac smiles through her bink. :)

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