The hours passed really slowly and I was ready to do the operation myself by the time they wheeled me into the operating room. It seemed to fly after that and at 11:19 AM, Taylor Madison was finally out of the womb and into the world. You were our smallest baby, at 6 lbs 12 ounces, and the second in line height wise at 20 inches. You also made your opinion known immediately, and your daddy's second words about you were 100% true. "She's a lot louder then the other kids were at birth." But he was charmed, it was obvious. Even in my drugged haze, I could see the way he followed you with his eyes and I think that came with age and time, that utter fascination he's had for you since day one. He fell in love with you immediately, and so did I. I couldn't wait to hold you, spend time with you.

That's the thing I have always hated about having C-sections: I couldn't hold any of you for some time after you were born. And even when I could, those first moments are slightly blurred by pain, and the sleepiness & nausea from the medications. I swear, it was the medication, so don't take it personally that on your first night, I threw up every time I got to hold you. It really wasn't you. Honest.

Coming home was an adventure, but it smoothed out once the hormones, lack of sleep and adjusting to a new person ironed itself out. Your brother and sister went crazy for you and the spoiling of the baby began. :) Other than your hatred of sleep... and bassinets, cribs or other flat surfaces... you are a pretty mellow kid. You took to us pretty easily, and seem to be a good mix of your brother and sister as an infant (meaning you don't hate everyone on the planet, but you aren't sooooo easy going it seems like you're toking the cheeba all day either).

You are very opinionated, and already seem to know that when Mom points that camera at you, it's time to be a superstar. (See below). You smile easily and with your whole being- the room lights up with every grin. Honest to God I've never seen a kid smile like you. Your whole body moves and you try to hard to laugh. Mainly at your Daddy, who now spends tons of his spare time doing silly things to get that smile. Usually I'm falling over laughing at him, and then joining in to get your eyes to light up. All of us compete with talking to you, and you're now having "conversation" with us. You squeal and coo (and squawk if no one's talking to you) and your little mouth moves when we talk, like you're trying to imitate us.

She's beautiful! :)
Oof. This was sweet. And she's gorgeous.
Jennifer, I was commenting you as you were commenting me. Great minds!
I love this post! It is so true about the passage of time.
I always find it all so bittersweet . . .
Adorable.. she is just simply beautiful..
That is so weird- I was just at another blog where the lady's baby was born Nov 15th. I only remember it so clearly because I thought I was in labor that day. And it would have been a good day, too. Instead, she was born Dec 2nd just like her older older older sister (we have 6 girls). Congratulations, she's beautiful. I was bawling today because I had to pack up the newborn clothes(sniffle) She's up a size- it does go by way too fast.
Thanks for all your comments. Wow, I guess the 15th was a popular day! 6 girls?? 6?!?!? Oh, boy, do I take my hat off to you- I only have two girls (and a boy) and I'm insane by the end of the day!
I've had to start packing up newborn clothes too, and it's so bittersweet- especially since she is definitely our last. I love the stage we're in with her now, but I do wish it wasn't moving so fast!
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